Thursday, March 13, 2008



ESandra Chong Hollman said...

um.. whoa! Why haven't I been checkin' up on your blog??! Girl, these are amazing!!! Your style has developed so much!! It's so clean and graphic - I friggen LOVE it!!! I want a print of this for reals!!!! keep it up!!! <3E

McLean Kendree said...

yo, i didn't realize you had one of these going on too! Good job on this crazy graphic look in the newer pieces!

Emily Dove said...

Hey Hannah! I like the recent work! Hope you're doing well over on the West coast.
I can mail you a pony print soon! I charge $ that ok with you?

Dale said...

Hey, Hannah. Long time since Habarth's drawing class back in '03. I think after that you dropped into the black hole of CA and didn't resurface until graduation.

Great work on here, btw.

This most recent one is a little reminiscent of Mary Blair, which in my book means you're golden.

Hope life is being good to you.

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