So, I've been pretty busy these past two weeks getting back into the swing of things. Catching up on work and missed tv episodes :) Finally have some time to tell you about my vacation! Basically, I was the best place I've ever been and I had an AMAZING time. We stayed at the Kaanapali Beach Hotel on Maui's west coast. I was not a super swanky place but it had this old school Hawaiian vibe to it that i absolutely adored. I mean if you're in Hawaii, you want to feel like you are! The island is beautiful, even when it's raining and because of the on again off again showers, I counted 7 rainbows during our stay! The community there is something I've never experienced. They have like this island comradery and a laid back-ness that is contagious. We talked to a lot of people who were just nomads. They hop from island to island working side jobs and chillin on the beaches. Tough life. Mind if you join you? :D
Highlights:Every kind of tropical drink you could imagine, 24/7
Tsunami Saturday - 10 hrs on a hill, waiting for a wave that never came
Driving to the top of the volcano in the freezing bitter cold
Old Lahaina Luau
Snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean with a pink floaty noodle
Driving through a lava field
Driving Kahekili Highway and not dying, but OMG i thought we were going to.
Watching the wake boarders at Kaanapali Beach
Eating some of the best food I've had in ages. Especially the Kahlua pork...mmmmmmmmm
Discovering the most romantic little beaches with my hunny :)
Summary: One week is never enough.

This is the Old Lahaina Luau that J took me for my birthday :) xoxo
Thank you Maui! We shall return!!